Official Website for Harrison County, Iowa





If you would like to be considered for

future employment with Harrison County, please fill out the employment

application below.


911 Dispatcher

Position Summary

Under the supervision of the 911 Director and Lead Dispatchers, provides support to law enforcement, emergency medical services and fire personnel. Position requires ability to handle stressful work conditions; working under time pressure with serious consequences of error in crisis situations, tragedies, and emergencies; and ability to handle simultaneous incidents. Dispatchers are responsible for directing emergency responders to locations in need of assistance, advising responders of potentially dangerous situations, and aiding the general public in times of crisis. This position requires the ability and willingness to work a majority of time without direct supervision, while making sound judgement decisions.

Planning & Zoning Commissioners 


The Zoning Commission is responsible for changes in the current zoning regulations. The Commission serves in an advisory role to the Board, reviewing and making recommendations on implementation and updating the Harrison County Zoning Ordinance. This includes the zoning and rezoning or land and applications for subdivisions. The Harrison County Board of Supervisors can overturn a decision made by the Zoning Commission. Commission members are made up of five citizens appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Members serve 5 year terms and must reside in the unincorporated areas of the county.



Board of Adjustment 

The Board of Adjustment is a quasi–judicial board made up of five citizens appointed by the Board of Supervisors. 

They must reside in the unincorporated areas of the county and serve five year terms. 

The Board hears and makes the final decision of Appeals, which are questions between an applicant and the Zoning Administrator as to the proper interpretation of the zoning ordinance. They also decide on applications for Special Exceptions as specifically provided in the Zoning Ordinance. The Board may authorize Variances in the application of the Ordinance where there are unusual circumstances that would otherwise result in unnecessary hardship (physical, not economic) to a particular parcel of land if the Ordinance is literally enforced, and the variance would not be contrary to the public interest.


Please call the Harrison County Planning & Zoning

office at 712-644-2302 or

email: to inquire